On saturday (20/12/2008), I went to Kuala Lumpur, my first intention is to meet up with friends that I havent seen in months.. so, since they are there helping out at KL Open 2008, I'd get the closer look at the event myself.. After all I am the mamarazzi in action anyway!
The event took place at Dewan Komanwel at Bukit Jalil.. well it is a sweet memory for me coz, I have been here last year for the Sukan Wanita Kebangsaan 2007. So, the feeling of actually standing there again, was great! I am so excited to see the players, the games, as the publicity in the internet and newspaper sounds like a grand event. What a good time to take a break from my busy schedule at home to be around chess world again.
But what I see is not what it seems to be. I was surprised to see the challengers section using analog clock! and the Open section using digital but with no increment! Actually this is the first time I have heard that 2 hours time control without any specific number of moves or any increment can actually be a FIDE rated. This is a new thing for me to experience. Maybe the organiser have its own reasons or maybe FIDE wanted to introduce a new system of play to be FIDE rated. But to see all those players in such a good position actually lost on time, seems to me a bit unfair to them. Then seeing all those higher rated players with some of them GMs, IMs and etc writing on a photostat copy of A4 size of paper as the score sheet of the event, is also a new thing for me. The young players will ask the arbiter to copy back the game, but none requested by the higher rated players to do so (this is understandable why). Funny, dont you think? I was at the arbiters table helping out the event when one WGM from India asking for her games in pdf format. Then I ask my friend, she told me that the organiser promise the player to give the games after the event ended. Then I said, ok.. this is another new idea imposed by the organiser. But to have the game on hand on the next day would be much better, in terms of preparation for the next game. Well, I would prefer it that way, rather than waiting later on. Then on that day, there were list of names that players need for the purpose of the certificate. Once again I praised the organiser for the idea, coz when I played in DATMO, I sure want one cert. The players were all excited to find out they got certificate of participation. One foreign player were so happy when he ask us it is free? coz in his country he has to pay for the cert ( in this case, I hope this is not happening here). And one GM actually wants the cert too! But I heard until the final day the certs are not given to the players. Well, maybe the organiser wants to send it by post, who knows!
This are the pic taken from the challengers section :
Camillia Johari (the girl) giving it all out in the round. Pic on the right is the scene from the back table.
While Nabil (white shirt) were fighting hard against Tan Kien Wei from Spore, his sis Nur Nabila (pic on the right) were cool to take the crown by beating Joni from Indonesia in a Knight and Pawn endgame.

In round 8, the fight of the veteran vs the youth, and Li Tian won

Haslindah is making a chess move here at KL Open in challengers section, giving support to the ladies in action (and well, it is a GIRL POWER since Nabila is the Champ in that category)