I was at DATCC to do the coverage of National Closed 2009, until suddenly PCWM team captain - Roslina said, I had to play in round 7 against Pricewaterhousecoopers team, because other players like Nabila, Najihah, and Tan Li Ting are all tired after the NC event. Fully understood their situation, I said to captain, "why not!". And at the same time I am tired too. Being a spectator is much more tiring than playing the game yourself. By the time I got to Puduraya to wait for the bus home, I was exhausted and cant see very well.. all images were blurry last night. Luckily I get the sleep that I need on the bus.
We lost 0-4 to Pricewaterhousecooper. I lost to Cheah Cheuk Fong. I have played well, despite he is using Sicilian Scheveshnikov that I seldom bump to, but towards the endgame I made a wrong decision, and that cost me the game. Update can be found at the link - gilachess blog and Hairulov blog.