Our world as said in My Side Of Story...
Pic on the right : Seen on third board of the pic Haslindah (the one that inspires women in chess) vs Lim Kian Hwa.

Alia Anin vs Indonesian player. She is playing in DATMO as a preparation for World Youth in October this year.

Oliver Dimakiling from Philippines against another filipinos.
Pic on the right : Ian vs Ismail Ahmad

Malaysian players : Tariq Amru vs Balendran, and Mohd Saprin.
Pic on right : Ismail Ahmad

Malaysian : FM Mok Tze Meng and NM Mohd Kamal Abdullah

First Board : GM Li Chao vs FM Lim Yee Weng
Second Board : GM Zhang Zhong vs GM Marat

IM Julio Sadorra also took part.
WIM Kruttika Nadiq - another female taking part. She is from India

GM Marat vs GM Li Chao. This is an interesting game to watch, coz Li Chao never give up in attacking Marat, and Marat was defending well too. But one slight mistake for pushing the e-pawn cost Marat the game. Before Li Chao take advantage of the blunder, he gave a disbelief look at Marat..

Malaysian : Masrin Erowan, and Mohd Fairin Zakaria

On the second board : Mas is playing against WGM Li Ruofan
Another Malaysian : FM Lim Yee Weng who gave an impressive performance in DATMO, he finally got his IM!
Before event, they chat.. when it all started, the battle begins
GM Susanto was leading the pack in the beginning, and he beat Li Chao in the process too.. But I guess, it is a hard task to maintain the lead..
The GMs in action!
Second Table : GM Zhang Zhong.. and he got second place too at the end..
WIM Irene gets another WGM norm in DATMO..