Tuesday, September 02, 2008

IM Mas GM Tournament

And yes.. IM Mas is still pursuing his dreams of becoming Malaysia's first GM. He has been to many tournaments ever since he turned pro last october. His leave of absent from work will expire April 2009. The last time I saw him was at Royal Selangor Open in May, where he dropped by to see what's going on. Then the latest was at Merdeka Rapid and DATMO. Well, he looked different (lost few kilos!). More serious than ever, but still he is smiling all the way at whatever circumstances he is in right now. He is not in good condition, and has been playing straight too, it does gives him the stress to realise our one dream! I juz wish him well and play well.

Pic left : Mas, Cathy and Ian
Pic right : the table that Mas was playing

I went to Cititel Express KL to get a glimpse at the happening there, but when I arrived there with Haslindah, Mas was having a discussion with his trainer GM Ian Rogers and wife Cathy Rogers. He won round 5 against FM Myo. He doesnt sound like he is happy with his result so far, juz like I said earlier he is under a lot of stress, and he is playing under that circumstances..

The two board that still playing
pic left : GM Ziaur Rahman vs WIM Zhang Xiaowen

pic right : GM lludhachev vs GM Drazen Sermek

The tourney was held juz for Mas to get the norm, well, he almost done it at Biel... There are 3 GMs playing (Sermek - from Croatia, Illudhachev from Uzbek and Ziaur Rahman from Bangladesh), 1 WIM Zhang Xiaowen from China, 1 FM Myo from Myanmar and 1 IM Mas.

Mas needed 6.5 points from 10 games (double round robin format). But so far after 7 rounds he is at 3 points standing. Which makes the norm seems far to reach for. But I do hope he will increase his ratings. Increase in ratings does gives impact to him when he get his norms.
Hopefully, he'll get his leave from chess for few days and get his focus back on track! (he need that)
~for more info click link hairulov~

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